Hugs and Kisses
14 South Lake

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Birthdays, Anniversaries and Celebrations
This page will be used to inform all who visit this site of upcoming celebrations.

Birthdays, Anniversaries, awards, thank-yous etc.

Birthday Wishes to Our Niece and God Daughter Kelsey on November 6th

Uncle Willy, Aunt Kates Friend on November 14th

Our nephew Tim November 22nd

Grammie (my dad's mom) on November 27th (dad and mom will have a drink in Cuba for you grammie)

Ryan's respite stay at St. Mary's of the Lake
Mom and Dad are off for a 1 week vacation in Cuba and I'm off for a 2 week stay beginning November 20th through December 4th at St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital. We thank everyone for all their visits during my June stay - it really made the difference being surrounded by all those caring people. We hope that we can count on you all again for your visits while I'm there in November! Sister Kate (my Aunt Kate will be around for confessions - only she'll know what I mean by this) - You go Sister Kate!)

Any orders for cigars?

Ryan's Graduation
Ryan participated in his graduation ceremonies on June 26th. He will be returning to school for one more year but we wanted him to be with his peers and have it more meaningful to him and us. Thats why he graduating this year. Emily Bovey wrote a beautifull speech regarding Ryan. Emily has been with Ryan since Junior Kindergarden and next to myself and Nana knows him better then anyone. She is like a daughter to me and our family loves her very much. Here is the speech she gave!

It is with great pleasure, this evening, that I talk about, or rather share with you the accomplishments of Ryan Mangan.

Education is sometimes so narrowly defined that the real learning experiences, the real accomplishments are over looked. I would like to share with you a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson entitled, "What Is Success?"

What is success?
To Laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed eaisier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.

Tonight Ryan is being recognized for the successes that he has had. He has overcome the greatest of obstacles, obstacles that many of us could never comprehend. His disease has TRIED to confine him, but he fights on through operations and pain, hospital stays and sickness. Although it is difficult for him to communicate because he has little verbal ability, he has managed to communicate his feelings and ideas through his bright eyes, beautiful smile and contagious laught.

For his Co-op placement this year, he traveled to St. Joseph Separate School, where he taught children about various ways of communication, at the same time, opening their curious eyes to the abilities of someone with disabilities. Through his keen sense of humour he has the ability to put a smile on anyone's face, even the really bad jokes will make you grin.

He is a ladies man who sends kisses to all the hotties and has been known to use pick up lines such as, "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I wheel by again?" He's also been seen with some very questionable magazines.

He is a die hard Toronto Maple Leaf fan and won't hesitate to tell you the Canadian's stick!

Through every life that he's touched, Ryan has found success. He demonstrates unconditional love, creates laughter and models the qualities of friendship. I know of at least one life that has changed for the better because of him.

Congratulations Ryan!